There are so many benefits to children and their families…when children do yoga. That’s why we at Dream are doing all we can to offer classes and programs for children of all ages, abilities and needs. Our specially trained children's yoga instructors LOVE sharing yoga with kids, tweens, teens and families!
Dream's kids and family yoga teachers have many years' experience working with children. Several hold degrees in psychology/child psychology, and have trained and been certified by nationally recognized programs including Kripalu's Yoga in the Schools and Radiant Child.
Please consider signing up your child or grandchildren--and yourself!--for these special classes designed to meet the unique needs of growing kids and families. Also, please help other children in your life—those of your friends, of parents at work, and those in your extended family or neighborhood---know of the opportunity to participate in Dream Yoga classes. It "takes a village" to create healthy kids and families!
In addition to the group classes at our Studio, Dream Yoga also offers private yoga classes; yoga at schools and early childhood childhood centers; yoga parties; yoga for Girl and Boy Scouts; and Therapeutic Yoga for special needs children.
Current Offerings @ Dream Yoga & Offsite
See the most current listing of group classes for children, tweens, teens and families.
Classes for Young Children
Infants & Toddlers (ages 6 months to 24 months): Designed to promote joy in movement,
physical explorations, self-expression, and self-confidence, this yoga class uses songs,
movement, stretching, and massage to support the development of strength, flexibility, balance,
and social competence. Currently offered in Private classes & groups & Early Childhood Centers.
Preschool (ages 2 to 6 years): Children experience the magic of yoga through stories, music,
games and movement. They are encouraged to move and use their bodies in fun and imaginative
ways, engaging in a variety of yoga poses that enable them to go from silly to calm, as they
practice breath and body awareness. Currently offered in Private classes & groups & Early Childhood Centers.
Ages 6-9 Years Ch
ildren: Through the use of stories, music, games and props, founded in theme-based teaching, children release restless energy while honing motor and language skills, boosting body and breathing awareness, and developing self-confidence. Relaxation and self-reflection is included in each session. Children participate in individual, partner and group yoga. Currently offered in Private classes & groups & Schools.
Dream Kids Yoga classes provide kids:
♥ Music & Movement ♥ Fun & Creative Play
♥ Strength & Flexibility ♥ More Body & Breath Awareness
♥ Improved Listening & Speaking Skills ♥ More Energy
♥ Better Focus, Concentration & Self-Regulation ♥ Greater Calm
♥ Enhanced Self-Confidence & Self-Esteem ♥ Improved Sleep & Immunity
Classes for Preteens
(Middle School)
& Teens
(High School)
CLICK HERE to See Current Class Schedule
& to REGISTER for Yoga for Tweens & Teens

is designed to help preteens navigate their journey from childhood to teenager. This class gives
preteens the tools they need to improve concentration, reduce stress, and explore their bodies and
feelings in a fun and positive way. Preteens will challenge their bodies by practicing yoga
postures for increased balance, flexibility and strength and connect to their bodies and quiet their
minds through breathing exercises. Preteens will also learn how to take their yoga practice off
the mat and into their daily lives to help them find ease in the face of today’s challenges. Register Now
Yoga for Teens Ages 13-18: Being a teenager is hard! The pressures of homework and tests, sports, music performances, and where to fit in the social hierarchy often leave teens feeling stressed, anxious and stripped of energy. This class will equip high school students with the tools to healthily manage their emotions and stress levels, while leaving them feeling empowered and self-confident. Students will learn breathing and centering exercises, yoga postures, relaxation and meditation techniques as well as how and when to use these techniques when facing challenges outside of class. Benefits of movement and meditation include lowered stress, greater relaxation and sleep, and improved concentration and mental clarity. Dream's Teachers are trained in the nationally renowned Yoga in the Schools Program program founded by Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, in collaboration with Harvard University.
Register Now
Don't Miss our special Yoga for Teens
LOCK-IN for Girls
Next Lock-In will be in the Fall. Watch for announcements!
Yoga for Moms & Daughters
(Ages 10+). Are you looking for a class with your daughter that will help you connect in a fun and positive way? In Mother-Daughter Yoga, you’ll learn and practice yoga basics—breathing techniques, yoga warm-ups, and foundational yoga poses that stretch, strengthen and balance you. You’ll also learn Partner Yoga poses you can do together that will enhance your stretches and enjoyment. Each class ends with relaxation/meditation. This is a special time in which you can honor each other and create a tradition of exploring greater physical and emotional health together. Grandmothers, aunts, mother-in-laws, mother’s friends, or care-givers are also welcome as partners. Schedule a Private or Small Group Session. Also plan to attend Dream's Annual
Mother-Daughter Yoga Workshop on Mother's Day, led by Dream Yoga's Mother-Daughter Team, Luann and Lauren Fulbright.
Family Yoga
Yoga for families provides the same benefits as other yoga classes: peace of mind, relaxation, and increased bodily strength and flexibility for EVERYONE!
Families who do yoga enjoy:
- A stronger sense of community – parents find a safe and supportive space in which to share resources, ask questions, and learn from other parents and children interact with peers who
- share similar family values.
- A non-competitive, non-judgmental, and healthy environment in which to grow.
- A bonding experience and opportunity for families to spend quality time together.
- Parents who are stronger, healthier, and happier.
- Children with improved confidence, focus, academic and athletic ability.
- Improved sleep habits and ability to calm and focus themselves.
- Less stress, more fun, and a spirit of health and well-being that crosses generations.

CLICK HERE to See Current Class Schedule & to REGISTER for Regular Classes
Other Offerings
Private Yoga Sessions for You & Your Child (All Ages). A special opportunity to learn and practice yoga that’s designed especially to meet your unique needs and goals. Learn new life skills. Get stronger
and more flexible. Partner and play. Fun and meaningful. Make memories that will last a lifetime! Sessions are 60 to 75 minutes, depending on age of child.
Therapeutic Yoga for Special Needs Children (All Ages). Designed to meet the unique needs of children who struggle with their physical and social development. Mostly private therapeutic classes, led by certified yoga teachers with training/experience using yoga to help children with learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, Teretts, more.
Yoga Parties (All Ages, Preschool to High School & Adult). Celebrate any special event, like a birthday or graduation. Themes are personalized to match the interests of the guests. This two-hour party can be hosted at Drea
m's studio or at your location. See Yoga Parties.
Yoga for Brownies & Scouts. Theme/Emphasis of Class: Fitness, Focus & Stress Reduction. Meets requirements of badges--Healthy Habits, Physical Fitness.
Yoga in Schools (Mobile Yoga Enrichment Program for All Ages). Ask your school to bring a certified Dream Yoga instructor to your school. Yoga at school is not only convenient for parents who want yoga for their children. When conducted in a school setting, yoga fosters cooperation and compassion, improved concentration and greater calm. Plus it builds a more fit and emotionally-balanced community of learners.
Working directly with schools, childcare facilities, PTAs, private wellness organizations, and local businesses, Dream Yoga brings quality yoga programs and special events to school communities throughout the DC metropolitan area. These yoga programs are designed specifically for the population with whom we are working and include the following:
- Weekly Classes in Schools for Children of All Ages (Infants to Teens)
- Workshops for Students
- Workshops for Faculty & Staff
- Parent Seminars and Workshops
All classes are tailored to the needs of the organization and will typically contain breathing exercises, warm-ups, experiential activities, games, yoga postures, deep relaxation, and meditation techniques to strengthen awareness of the connection between the mind and body.
Children’s classes are founded in theme-based, experiential learning. Adult and teen classes cover topics such as stress management, emotion and behavior regulation, self-appreciation and confidence, and relationship building skills. All classes cultivate mindfulness, develop compassionate.
Contact Dream Kids Program Coordinator, or Dream Yoga Studio Owner to schedule a Yoga in Schools program for your school community.
For Information and to schedule a Private or Family Yoga Sessions, contact Luann.
Therapeutic Yoga for
Children with Special Needs
All yoga classes for children at Dream Yoga—both group and private—support children’s development physically, mentally and emotionally. Private Sessions with Dream’s Yoga instructors and therapists are tailored to meet students’ and families’ unique needs and can be very therapeutic.
Dream Yoga is excited to offer this special program
designed to meet the unique needs of children who struggle with their physical and social development. These Private Therapeutic Yoga Classes for Children with Special Needs are led by certified yoga teachers with training and experience in meeting children's special needs.
This is the program you’ve been waiting for…if your child has special challenges such as:
- Learning disabilities
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Autism
- Cerebral Palsy
- Down Syndrome
- Sensory Processing Disorder
Through breathing exercises, singing, yoga poses, deep relaxation and other yoga practices, children of all ages will discover that yoga provides them with a safe and supportive environment where they can develop at their own pace and be accepted for all the gifts that they do have!
Benefits of the program include:
- Improves the ability to focus and concentration
- Develops mental and physical strength, flexibility, and balance
- Loosens tight limbs
- Strengthens hypotonic (floppy) body parts
- Promotes language and communication skills
- Builds self-esteem and self-acceptance
- Offers a way to connect to oneself and others
- Helps children calm their bodies and minds
Special classes for your child will start with an initial parent consultation and child evaluation.
Fees: Initial consultation and evaluation is $125 for 90 minutes.
Fees for subsequent Private Sessions are
$110/75 minutes, $95/60 minutes, $75/45 minutes, $60/30 minutes
For more information or to start yoga therapy for your child, contact Luann.
How Yoga Helps Kids
Yoga gives kids the boost they need to be stronger, healthier and happier!
Children who do yoga have:
- Stronger immune systems. They get sick less.
- Better concentration. They become calmer and learn to focus longer.
- Improved confidence and athletic ability. Yoga promotes coordination and positive body image.
- More sound character. Children learn to be more thoughtful and positive towards themselves and others.
- Less stress. Children learn valuable tools for handling everyday challenges. They’re less anxious.
- Greater ability to get a good night’s sleep.
Regarding the enormous benefits of yoga to children, a Yoga Journal article notes:
“Our children live in a hurry-up world of busy parents, school pressures, incessant lessons, video games, malls, and competitive sports. We usually don't think of these influences as stressful for our kids, but often they are. The bustling pace of our children's lives can have a profound effect on their innate joy—and usually not for the better….
Yoga can help counter these pressures. When children learn techniques for self-health, relaxation, and inner fulfillment, they can navigate life's challenges with a little more ease. Yoga at an early age encourages self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that's noncompetitive. Fostering cooperation and compassion—instead of opposition—is a great gift to give our children.”
The article continues: “Yoga benefits children physically, enhancing their flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness. In addition, their concentration and sense of calmness and relaxation improves. Doing yoga, children exercise, play, connect more deeply with the inner self, and develop an intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounds them. Yoga brings that marvelous inner light that all children have to the surface.”