Promote Your Health or Another’s with
A Gift Certificate from Dream Yoga Studio
Better health and a greater sense of overall well-being are truly gifts—what many people want and need help with!
You can purchase gifts directly from Dream's Shop, or give a gift via a Gift Certificate from Dream Yoga Studio & Wellness Center (online or at the Studio).
Dream Yoga offers a variety of Private and Group Classes at the Studio and at your location for people of all ages and levels of fitness. We also provide Massage, Reiki, Yoga Therapy, The Bowen Technique, and other Healing Arts services, as well as Private and Group Meditation, Tai Chi/QiGong, and Life Coaching (Yoga-based, Nature-based and Equestrian-based).
with a gift for their health and wholeness! Or ask someone to TREAT YOU! with one of the following Gift Certificates, or one of any $$$ value you desire:
- ANY $$$ Amount. Purchase a
Gift Certificate for a group or private Class, Workshop, Healing Arts Service or Yoga/Meditation/Other Supplies in Dream's Shop. See a supply listing online.
- $22 for a
Drop-In Class Pass
- $50, $100 or more to help your loved one pay for registration in Dream's upcoming Session of classes. Registering helps them commit to their practice and get the most benefits.
$33 for
3 Sample Classes (Our INTRO CLASS PASS -New Students Only). A $66 value.
$75 for 70 Minutes (Our PRIVATE YOGA SAMPLER-New Students Only). A $125 value.
$145 for a 1 ½-Hour Private Session with one of our Yoga or Meditation Instructors or Yoga Therapists. See
Private Session Fees.
- $195 for a
2-Hour Yoga Party for up to 10 people with one of our fabulous instructors at the Studio. Or $240 at your location.
Purchase Online NOW!
Or get more information and purchase a Gift Certificate by calling the Studio at 703-448-9642 (YOGA).
Best way to contact:
You can also drop by to get a Certificate before or after a class or during our Office Hours.