Can You Help?
Dream’s Scholarship Fund: Donors Needed
In a perfect world, everyone would be able to reap the many benefits of yoga and meditation! Dream Yoga is committed to making our classes and services available to all those seeking to enhance their health and well-being, regardless of background or financial status.
With your generous financial support, Dream has been able to make a number of full and partial Scholarships available to those who couldn’t otherwise afford them at this time in their lives. Of course, the need for financial assistance has grown in the current economic climate, and more students are telling us they can’t afford to continue their classes. So we’re asking for your help to expand our Scholarship capability to sponsor classes for those in the Dream Yoga family who need help now.
You can fund a full session of classes for a student, or half a session ($$ varies depending on the session--Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring). But know that ANY amount you can donate—even $10—will be put to good use and greatly appreciated. (Please note that Dream does not issue a tax-deductible receipt for donations, as Dream Yoga is not a non-profit organization. Your donation then might give you the karma yoga opportunity of selfless contribution.)
Recipients Welcome
Learning to receive the gifts of others is also an important practice that nurtures both the recipient and the giver ... and helps create a supportive community environment at our Studio.
All Scholarships are given anonymously. Students wishing to receive a Scholarship should contact Luann. All recipients are asked to pay at least $10/class or higher according to their ability. Students who receive scholarships sometimes repay the Scholarship amount when they return to employment or a better financial status.
Scholarship Donation Form
Please copy and paste the following into an email message to
What investment amount do you wish to contribute to Dream’s Scholarship Fund? $ __________
Will you be contributing this amount in one lump sum? _____Yes ____No When? ____________
If you’ll be contributing in increments, what incremental amounts will you contribute? $_____________
How often? _____Monthly _____Quarterly _____Yearly
THANK YOU for your generosity and support.
Donations are NOT tax- deductible. Dream Yoga is not a non-profit organization.
Scholarship Application Form
Please copy and paste the following into an email message to
What class or service at Dream Yoga would you like to receive financial assistance with?
Class Name________________________________________ Class Day & Time____________________
What amount can you afford to pay for this class or service? $ __________
Please see “Questions to Ponder” below.
Can you afford to pay this in one sum? _____Yes _____No
When Considering Getting Help with Paying for a Class...
Please consider these financial questions designed to help you consider the value yoga/meditation classes might have in your life and how yoga is an investment in yourself. They are offered for your own self-study.
1. If you were managing your stress levels more effectively: What value would that bring to your life?
Would you put a monetary value on it?
2. What's your favorite way to reward yourself? (Some ideas could be coffee, candy, cigarettes, a bath, a book, a vacation...)
Could this reward be considered an effective stress-reduction technique?
If this reward costs money, how much do you spend on it each year?
3. What do you hope to gain from your experience with yoga or meditation?
If you were to have this in your life right now, what value would it have?
4. Is there a difference between "paying for a class" and "making an investment in yourself"?
5. When you have to pay a significant amount of money for a service, what emotions come up for you?
(Some ideas might be: joy, fear, anxiety, satisfaction, love, greed, pride, boredom, nothing...)
6. What amount could you afford to pay for yoga/meditation?
What amount do you want to pay? Is there a there a difference between the two?
Health-promoting practices are more effective when you are deeply invested in them. For many people in our culture, a financial investment creates a corresponding emotional/psychological investment.